With the new year came some new ideas for the club. We saw the introduction of club window stickers, a list of "cruising" spots in the newsletter, the development of a northern chapter and "Adopt-a-Cougar", a live one at the Washington Zoological Society. In addition we looked for a computer for producing the newsletter and we had nearly $5000 in the bank.

On March 4th 30 members visited Precision Drive Shafts in Kirkland.

"Camp Cougar" was once again on site at the Portland "Swamp Meet" on April 7-9.

April 22--"Ponies on the Pier" in Port Angeles included our own Cascade cats.

On June 11th, 150 cars attended the Marysville Strawberry Festival.

The Cruise to Cougar on June 17th was fraught with breakdowns...in the rain. Ken & Linda Taylor dropped a valve and broke a piston, Eric Anders sheared his oil pump shaft and Charles & Lynn Douglas suffered a frozen alternator

L-R: Mike & Michelle Ziegler's 71, Pat Price's 67, Frank & Leticia Trevino's 69 & 70

The CCOA West Nats in Concord, CA on July 1-3 was visited by the Pinkertons, Willetts, Feltons and Brian Grier. All, incidentally, won trophies.

On July 15/16 we had 10 winners at the Mustangs Northwest Roundup in Bellevue. We also picked up a cool $200 for Club Participation.

But it was not all fun and games in June. A small group formed a work party to fix up the club trailer.